Please submit a prayer request
Morning Prayer Meeting
Mon-Fri, 5:30-7:30 AM
Evening Prayer Meeting
Fri, 9:00-11:00 PM
We here at GSC strongly believe in the power of prayer. It connects us to God and to one another in our time of need and our time of joy. Our prayer room, retreat center, and nature trail are always open to those who need a sanctuary for prayer and meditation. Because having a strong support group is important, we invite you to join us at our prayer meetings (as listed above). Come and lift up your burdens and sorrows as the GSC
family prays together with you and for you. If you cannot come and would like us to pray for you or for someone else, please let us know. We will even arrange a group to come out and meet you.
"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you"
- Psalm 50:15